
Marin Independent Journal: West Marin housing report calls for 1,000 workforce dwellings

Point Reyes Light: Ranch worker testimony adds urgency to new housing report

Point Reyes Light: Unseen and Unheard No More

SF Gate: New Worker Housing Study Reveals Hidden Side Of West Marin

KQED: West Marin Worker Housing Often Substandard and Faulty, New Report Finds

Press Release: West Marin at a Housing Crossroads - New study sheds light on urgent need for action to address housing for West Marin’s service and agricultural workers.

San Francisco Chronicle: Bay Area surfing town struggles to house workers. A co-op could help.

Point Reyes Light: Farmworker housing grim and scarce.

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Point Reyes Station
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Community Meeting

Tomales Elementary School
Tuesday, October 8th
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